The 2nd Genova Global Goals Award edition is open


The Genoa City Government presents the second edition of the Genoa Global Goals Award: the city's commitment to becoming more smart, green and sustainable keeps on going.

In this edition the invitation to reflect on the theme of sustainability and take action to change the world is not only addressed to companies, which, like last year, will compete against each other in the "Senior" category, but also to schools.

From primary to high school, classes of young students from Genoa will have the opportunity to compete in the 'GenZ' category by presenting the projects they have realised or imagined to make their schools and beyond more sustainable.

The prize will also in this edition be aimed at the regeneration of a common good or space within the participating schools.

How the award works:

As in the previous edition, the 17 Global goals will be grouped into five Challenges, defined by the "5Ps" of sustainable development:

  1. People: 1, 3, 4, 6
  2. Planet: 7, 11, 14, 15
  3. Prosperity: 2, 12, 13
  4. Peace: 5, 10, 16
  5. Partnership: 8, 9, 17

For each of these 'P's, project description, indicators achieved, replicability or feasibility of the project will be assessed.

The submitted projects will again be divided into two groups before being judged:

DREAM: imagined projects that can improve the current situation and lead to achieving one of the macro-objectives
REALITY: realised projects, large or small, that have already achieved results in support of one of the macro-objectives
For the 'GenZ' category, classes from every institution from primary up to high school can participate. For the youngest kindergarten students, on the other hand, a fun game has been prepared that will introduce them to the theme of sustainability and the 17 Global Goals.

The deadline for joining will be 15 March 2023.


For further information and to participate visit:



Ultimo aggiornamento 26/01/2023